Guest Wendy Parman
How does one take life events, and use them to catapult you forward in life?
Come listen to our guest this week, Wendy Parman talk about her transformations from acting, singing and songwriting, to creating her own voice studio in Chicago, Illinois. She credits her teacher when she was 10 years old in igniting the flame of creativity by allowing her, and her best friend to create a play that they wrote and performed.
“Fragments of Heartbreak Reassembled Here” her solo performance and “Callie’s Solo” a musical comedy web series on UTube are based on her real-life experiences.
Her voice studio located in Chicago, has pivoted recently due to the Covid crisis and produced a ZOOM version of her “Singers Salon” to do a benefit for an organization helping communities at risk on Chicago’s South Side. Come take a listen to Wendy Parman and learn how she is growing older with gusto.