More On Our Icelandic Adventure!

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More On The Golden Circle
Our tour guide, Joi sped through the mountains past so many geologic marvels.  The sight of seeing a waterfall with steps where the salmon jump up prior to getting caught was amazing. !  The tallest waterfall is called The Golden Waterfall because someone years ago grew gold in it!   The Fontana Spa where the bread is made from the ground daily is a wonder.  The hot water process involves bubbly water in the ground and the bread process occurs at 10:30am and 2;30m daily.  It takes 24 hours to make the bread which is served at the Spa and a nearby restaurant.
We were also driven to a fissure in the landscape that shows the land divide between Europe and Iceland. Apparently, according to Joi the plates move 2 CM every year!
Our  tour of The Golden Circle continued with a tour of an old Parliament where they shot the “Game of Thrones”.  Gorgeous.   Geysers and waterfalls here are world renown.
Personally, I felt like I was walking on marshmallows. The ground in the Golden Circle is so soft!

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