John & Barbara Cochran, well-known journalists, who reside in Washington D.C. share their insights into how they have navigated through life and what sustains them today!
John was well known as a Senior Correspondent for ABC News and was their top Correspondent who covered the White House from the Nixon to Obama Administrations. Barb, was the former Producer of “Meet The Press” and created the Morning Edition program for NPR. She just keeps on going with an upcoming trip with Journalism students next year to London for four months to starting a new Foundation to honor journalists killed while covering the news.
John’s advice on living a joyful life is to not be selfish. He believes selfishness only serves you in the short term and lives up to the adage, “Do unto others as you would do to yourself”.
Barbara’s wisdom is one of a recurring theme; live life with the glass half full.
To hear more in-depth advice from this amazing couple take a listen!