In Charge with Diane Von Furstenberg

                                      Meeting Diane Von Furstenberg

Last week I was invited to a mini-fashion show and a meet-up with Diane Von Furstenberg here in Chicago!  It was a nice happening in the middle of January life temperatures here in the Windy City!  She was amazing because not only is she a talented designer and businesswoman, but she spoke with such humility and substance on how to lead a fulfilling life. Her website is entitled and it’s all about how we have to be in charge of ourselves first to be the best person we can be.

She explains that there are certain practices that can show we honor ourselves and our character.  The respect we show ourselves is the “core of our strength” and allow us to form an allegiance to helping other women be the women they aspire to be.

DVF tells the story of how she never knew what she wanted to be when she was growing up, but always knew she wanted to “be in charge!”  She ended up making clothing for what she calls the woman in charge. The sale of her dresses to her also equates with the sale of confidence for the woman wearing them.

She had some great nuggets of wisdom to share with the group. She encourages women to use your magic wand and connect with others. She advises to always be true to yourself, and realize that “your imperfections can become your assets.”

The practices that she claims will show a commitment to ourselves include:

CONNECT: Make it a habit to send at least two emails every morning that benefit someone other than yourself.

EXPAND: Arrange a meeting or a call each week with a new person.

INSPIRE: Share your experience, vulnerability and strength through storytelling.

ADVOCATE: Take action on causes that matter to you, rally, seek up, organize and make an impact.

The result of incorporating her ideas help build character which is something she claims you never lose.  She quips, “You may lose your looks or your money, but not your character!”  She describes your core strengths as “the house inside yourself and the core of you are”.  This is the thinking behind her lifelong  philosophy of “You are in charge”.

Her biggest inspiration in her life was her mother!

She is down to earth, accessible and inspirational!  A great example of growing older with gusto!










  1. Janet Owen

    Terrific!! I love the “magic want”!!!!

  2. Jo Ann Molera

    Great post, Gail. So enjoyed reading those words of wisdom.


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