Strength Training VRS. Obedience Training– OR Both!!!

Ha! I got your attention. This post is about the pro’s and cons of owning a dog as we grow older.

I read an article in yesterday’s Chicago Tribune that hit home so to speak. My husband, Charlie and I have long dreamed of having a dog in our future!! The parameters are we have to be living in a warmer climate than Chicago most of the time, and the dog has to be a long living type of dog! SO — This brings me back to the Chicago Tribune Article.

Apparently according to a study published in JAMA Surgery, people aged 65+(!) have had dog walking injuries that have grown exponentially from 2004-2017. I won’t bore you with the stats, but what captured my attention is the fact that more of these injuries happen to women than men. Why? Women’s bones are less dense then men, and what is really scary is the study claims that 1 in 4 older adults will die within one year of breaking a hip.

My first cousin( I have many cousins– many are once and twice removed!) Teri, who lives in La Jolla, recently told me about a renown yoga instructor in California who was out walking her dog and fell and broke her hip. I thought all those years of yoga would provide balance and core strength. Oh, well…

SO — what does a woman growing older with gusto who loves pet, and wants a dog in her future think of all this scary stuff. Well, the upside is that having a pet as one grows older is a great way to stay active, meet new people, and have a nice companion who provides unconditional love!! The question on how to do this safely is fairly simple.

1. Practice Strength Training

2. Send your dog to Boarding School AKA Obedience School

Any comments are always welcome!!


  1. Roxanna Gumiela

    I’m 62 (almost 63). My husband and have a 5 year old husky. He is full of energy and loves long walks. I can be seen hanging on for dear life and flying like a kite at the end of it’s string when we first start off on our walks. I practice and teach yoga (for strength, flexibility, and balance!) and run for endurance and cardio.
    It is important to stay aware of your bone mass and do everything you can to keep it strong and dense. Two indicators of low bone mass are weighing less than 125 lbs. and a loss of 2 inches in height.
    Get a dog! They are worth the energy in their return of love!

    • Gail Zugerman

      Hi Roxanna,

      My husband and I aged 65 and 74 plan on getting a dog when we move to a warmer climate. Any breeds you recommend. We are both tall and in good shape! My husband wants a long living dog!



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