Meet Marylen Mann – Founder of Oasis

Marylen Mann, years ago founded the Oasis organization in 1982, a not for profit created to help older people live their lives energetically. Her brainstorm spread around the country and Oasis courses are currently available almost anywhere. She is currently the Chairman Emeritus of The Oasis Institute, which continues to improve the lives of older people by offering courses that run the gamut from the arts to history.

I spoke recently for a few minutes by phone with her and she emailed me some “talking points” for our interview coming up that will be available on the podcast: “Growing Older With Gusto”.

Here are her tips for a fulfilling life as we grow older:

Never assume that where you start out will be where you end up.
Life is full of opportunities, but you must be a bit of a risk taker.
The secret to staying “ young” is having an open mind and being interested in people.
We all have challenges as we age, but the test is how we respond to them.
The best way to heal is to “get out of yourself and focus on someone else.”
Growing new interests and new friends keeps you young.
Most, of all, a positive attitude is essential.

Tune in for a more in-depth discussion on the podcast: Growing Older With Gusto. You can subscribe by going to our website:


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