Life is a Podcast Party for Alana Dawson

Alana Dawson of Podcast Party

Sometimes life events spiral our world in a life-enhancing way. This is what happened to Alana Dawson who suffered a serious health setback as a young wife and mom.

It set her on the path to thinking about and executing what she refers to as her legacy.  This life-changing event was the catalyst for being more aware of how she wants to grow older, and interact with the world.

Take a listen as she tells us about her journey.  Figuring out what I call your mojo, and being generous with it, are what Alana thinks are the keys to growing older with gusto!

Alana’s website:

The interview is the perfect thing to listen to while you take a Fall walk!

1 Comment

  1. Mary K Peden

    Alana is an inspiration in turning a world rocking experience into a portal for great growth and deepened wisdom.


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