Growing older is a promotion not a demotion! with Yvonne Wolf

Yvonne Wolf, our guest on the show this week, is an intercultural communicator who specializes in Asia. She tells us this is the philosophy of aging in Eastern Asia. I think it is also a privilege. Yvonne talks about the Asian mindset when it comes to exercise, diet, menopause, aging, and how the Asians revere those who are older. One story describes the surgeon general of Taiwan coming to senior centers to commend the people on staying healthy! Also,  the grandmother holds status!  Viewed as powerful, they take charge of budgets and other family matters. Older people are always the “go-to”  for advice!

The age of CEO’s in Asia is generally at least 50 years old. So, we’ve just touched the surface. Yvonne will come back on the show and talk about:

  •   The Chinese Zodiac and You
  •   Why Life Starts At 60
  •   Chinese Traditional Medicine and A Healthier You.

So, take a listen – a perfect length for a walk!



  1. Mary K Peden

    If only wisdom was valued as much in the west as in the east! That explains a lot about our western lust for stuff to fill an inner emptiness.

    • chineseintercultural

      Thank you, Mary, for your kind words. I do believe that no one culture is better than another. The point is to find purpose in whatever life we lead. Sometimes in learning about another culture, we find an answer in our own culture and learn to value ourselves as our ancestors once did. Please consider joining my mailing list at to learn more. You can unsubscribe at any time.

  2. John Hedrick

    Yvonne is a fascinating speaker and resource. Lot to learn hear about graceful aging!

    • chineseintercultural

      John, I appreciate the positive feedback. I’m always looking for new ways to make Chinese/East Asian culture more accessible to others who may be curious or completely familiar but never thought about it. Please look for my upcoming virtual events at:

  3. Jack L Hafferkamp

    Yvonne Wolf is an engaging conversationalist; able to knowledgeably weave together many strands of East Asian culture into a single theme: how aging — as a concept and personal reality — is differently conceived in East and West. She deftly humanizes those difference and helps us to see aging in a different light– and with more gusto. More please.

  4. Helen

    As a Chinese American woman in my mid 50s, I admire Yvonne’s compassion to share her knowledge and experiences to people who are interested in Chinese culture.


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