Get out of your comfort zone with Sheila Stone

Sheila Stone

Get out of your comfort zone. This is the advice Sheila Stone, our guest this week on the show gives for those wanting to grow older with gusto,!

Sheila is the master of reinvention and works at helping women create a new life for themselves after 50. She is a great example herself as she went back to college at age 48 to get her degree and a Master’s degree in England. Not slowing down he started doing stand up comedy upon retiring to LA, and decided at age 60 to start a travel business.

She is a big believer in creating a great life for yourself as you grow older and shares her ideas for adding some mojo to your state of mind!

Her 3 tips for reinvention are: Dream Big but be realistic, Don’t let anyone shut you down(including friends and family), and don’t be defined by your age.

Take a listen! This interview is the perfect companion to your Fall walk!

1 Comment

  1. Bette O'Banion Kahn

    Gail, this was wonderful. So happy that I actually had – took – the time to stop and listen. I do not think I have had one sent to me before. Can you continue to do so?

    Thanks, again, Gail – I loved it .


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