Five Things Most People Don't Associate With Growing Older

Washington University Alumni Holds A Salon On Aging!
Last Sunday my husband & I attended a salon event for alumni of Washington University at an alumni’s home. The discussion was on the challenges and realities of aging and led by Professor Nancy – Morrow Hall. She talked about The Center For Aging at Washington University at the beginning and then led a discussion on aging challenged.
The Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging is affiliated with the Institute For Public Health at Washington University.  The Center provides events that deal with aging, job opportunities in the field and global implications of aging. I mention this as a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring these areas.
What We Learned
Professor Morrow-Howell passed out several informative handouts and the one I would like to share with you seems rather basic, but brings to attention things  still important to think about.  Her handout is entitled, “What Everyone Should Know About Aging”
1. Age is Not A Disease
Basically, we have more control over our health than people think.  There will be some changes but many health conditions can be treated and/or managed as we grow older.  A word of advice on medications. If you are on several medications side effects can happen.  Keep current on all mess.
2. Lifestyle & Environment Matters More Than Genetics
The claim here is that 75% of our health as we grow older depends more on our lifestyle and environment.
3. Good Relationships Are Good Medicine
Your connections with others is crucial to fend off memory lapses and improve ones general health.  What’s interesting is it’s not the number friends. The ability to have one close friend will keep you healthy!
4. There Is No Right Age For Retirement
Today, retirement is not always mandatory.  There are many people working over the age of 65.  This has given them a cushion of health, social and financial benefits.
5.  It’s Never To Early To Talk About Death
Be aware of all of the end of life’s choices and talk about your wishes to close family.  My parents discussed this most unappealing topic, but while uncomfortable, it does help soften the blow when a person’s time up on this planet arrives.
Hope this has been helpful!


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