On-Trend Book Selection
I always try to read a variety of books and recently the title of Twyla Tharp’s came up as a recommended read. I read it quickly and loved it! I’m still blogging about it despite the New York Times being one step ahead of me! Their Living Well Section on Sunday(1/12/2020) had a two page article on the greatness of this book.
So, for those who don’t read the NYT’s cover to cover — please take a moment to check out Twyla Tharp’s latest book. The title itself is captivating: “Moving: Keep It Lessons For The Rest Of Your Life”. Ms. Tharp, a famous choreographer and dancer is now aged 78 and has lots of wisdom to dispense.
Her main premise in her latest book is a how to on how one finds purpose and growth as we get older! She also maintains that most people don’t exercise and are unaware of how important the food we eat is to our growth as awe age.
The book is structured so that each chapter begins with a simple exercise and a mental and physical combo exercise. Her book emphasizes that the body works even faster than our brain. She has discovered in her 78 years that our reflexes are much stronger and faster than our brains. SO — make sure that you are aware of this concept and move accordingly. One tip I recall from the book that is SO crucial as we grow older is not to fight a fall.
She claims to have written the book for those who are not exercising, and eating correctly. I’m an exercise enthusiast and blog and have a Podcast on growing older. I found the book to be funny, a good reminder of how to grow older with physical grace and mental acuity, and a fast read!!
I highly recommend it! A great way to start 2020!
Hi Gail, Definitely a book I will put on my list! I too am an exercise enthusiast (Yoga Instructor and runner) and blog writer. It sounds like a very engaging read!