Barbara and Sheldon Stein

Gail interviewing Sheldon Stein

Barbara and Sheldon Stein are an active older couple who currently reside at the Clare, an independent living community in downtown Chicago.

A former lawyer and educator who remain chipper despite some health restrictions.  They both were quite active as children, and continue throughout their life to engage with younger people.
Retirement to them is just an extension of their life and they see it as a way of building upon what they have achieved, and experienced in the past. They feel it’s not something to fear but is an opportunity.
Some of their activities from midlife on include creating a senior center in Hyde Park in Chicago to sponsoring a college scholarship program for a Church.
Barbara claims you have to follow your passion. She loves to garden and while not physically able to she has helped create a garden attached to St. Sabina Church in Chicago.
Finding your passion may not be easy but reflect back on what you enjoyed earlier in life, and use that experience as a stepping stone to creating the next phase of your life.
Listen to their interview as we dig deeper into discovering how Barbara and Sheldon Stein are growing older with gusto!


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